D & D is proud to KICK OFF our 3rd Annual “Feed The Hungry” Campaign all across Florida!!! The following locations are now accepting canned/non-perishable items Click here for Showroom locations. For a list of the local organizations benefiting from this Charity Drive please scroll all the way to the bottom…
In addition, D & D Garage Doors is donating $1 to local organizations across the state, for every fan who joins the page and writes “JACKSONVILLE is FEEDING THE HUNGRY.” or “DAYTONA is FEEDING THE HUNGRY” Get it? “Your city is FEEDING THE HUNGRY” YOU MUST WRITE THIS ON FACEBOOK.
The organization we have partnered with in each community, who prepares Thanksgiving Dinner for the less fortunate will receive a donation on November 25th based on the number of fans who post “Their city is FEEDING THE HUNGRY.” YOU MUST WRITE THIS ON FACEBOOK.
We are so proud to be doing this for the 3rd year in a row. This year is going to be an amazing year to help the less fortunate! Please join us and give a can … or simply post to our Facebook page. www.Facebook.com/DandDGarageDoors