Although some contractors may tell you that a permit is not required when replacing your garage door, getting a permit is necessary when replacing your garage door. Obtaining permits may seem like more of a burden than it’s worth . . . especially if you are familiar with your contractor and trust his or her craftsmanship. But, the hassles that will inevitably arise later on are simply not worth it.
Owing to the fact that permits can cost anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars, some people try to avoid them. If work is completed without a permit, more money and time will be spent dealing with this later. When a garage door has been replaced without permits, the homeowner may eventually be subject to a fine for undocumented permit fees. This could belabor the process of selling a home or even put a stop to it altogether.
Putting the matter of money aside . . . permits are vital in keeping your home and family safe. Garage doors are a home’s largest entry point. Living in Florida and being susceptible to high-winds from tropical storms and hurricanes, it is vital that this large opening is as secure as possible. If a home undergoes a shoddy garage door replacement and ignores proper inspection, the homeowner is at a high-risk for the garage door to malfunction. A poorly constructed garage door system could result in injuries and the loss of a home’s entire roof.
Permits are required to keep every member of the community safe. The strict standards and building codes help prevent a tragedy from arising. The third-party inspection of the job after completion allows another knowledgeable person to confirm that every safety standard is met. Although it may seem like a waste of time and money, permits are in place to ensure that everyone in a home or building remains as sturdy and reliable as possible.