Florida Homeowners: Check for licensed Garage Door contractors!

Florida Homeowners: Check for licensed Garage Door contractors!

Don’t just pick anyone, choose a professional!

Your mechanic, your doctor, your dentist, your child’s teacher, your contractors … All of these are licensed professionals, and you wouldn’t put your car, your health, your teeth or your child’s education in just anyones hands right? So why would it be any different when it comes to installing or repairing your Garage Door? It’s not! Having a licensed professional perform the jobs they are licensed to do only makes sense.

When it comes to your garage door, whether you’re looking for someone to install a new one, servicing or upgrading your existing one, this can become very tricky without the proper knowledge and guidance from a professional. As you have read in our past blogs these issues definitely need a professional’s touch.

For example, lets say you were noticing sounds coming from your car that made you aware your engine was starting to go bad. Would you automatically go out and buy a new engine and replace it? Of course not, you would take it to a professional mechanic to get a full diagnosis of what is wrong. So why when it comes to our car engine do we consult a professional yet so many household items we try and tackle on our own?

The same can be said for garage door repairs. Say you need to repair or replace the springs on your garage door … As we learned in our safety first blog,

this can be a dangerous fix if you don’t know what you are doing. The amount of tension

the springs of THE garage doors today THAT ARE wind loaded at 130-180 mph, CAN BE UP TO 200LBS OF PRESSURE. If you mishandle at that spring … Well let’s just say the outcome of trying to tackle this job could be very unfortunate AND A VISIT TO THE ER if not handled by a professional.

D & D Garage Doors takes pride in the fact that all of our technicians are experienced, knowledgeable professionals. We make it our #1 priority to service our customers correctly and safely, after all the largest opening into your home is your Garage and we want to protect this opening. We have been in business for over 20 years and have the experience and education needed to deliver quality services and products. We back up our work, and if something goes wrong you know we will still be here to service you. If you live in an area we do not serve, please hire a licensed contractor, one who can guarantee the same quality work that we can and be around to warranty that work for years to come.

So remember, don’t just pick anyone, pick a professional!

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  • Service all brands of doors and openers.
  • Over 30 years of industry experience.
  • Free estimates on new installations.
  • Options for all budgets.